Advisory Committee
TeOfilo Altamirano, PhD
Retired professor and former coodinator of the doctoral and masters programs in Anthropology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. International consultant in internal and international migration. Some of his publications include:
•Migration, Remittances and Development in Times of Crisis. 2010.
•Remesas y “nueva fuga de cerebros”: Impactos transnacionales. 2006.
•Liderazgo y Organizaciones de los Peruanos en el Exterior. 2000a.
•Liderazgo y Organizaciones de Provincianos en Lima Metropolitana. 2000b.
•Los Peruanos en el Exterior y su Revinculación. 1999.
•Migración: El Fenómeno del Siglo. 1996.
•Éxodo: Peruanos en el Exterior. 1992.
•Los que se Fueron: Peruanos en los Estados Unidos. 1990.
William P. Mitchell, PhD
Freed Foundation Professor in the Social Sciences at Monmouth University. Has done research in Peru since 1965 and has taught at the Catholic University of Peru in Lima as a visiting Professor of Anthropology. He received his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh and is a recipient of research awards from the National Science Foundation, Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and Fulbright-Hayes, among others. Member and former chair of the Anthropology Advisory Committee of the New York Academy of Sciences. Some of his publications include:
•“Shining path Through Complementary Lenses: Historical and Ethnographic.” 2012.
•Voices from the Global Margin: Confronting Poverty and Inventing New Lives in the Andes. 2004.
•Picturing Faith: A Facsimile Edition of the Quechua Pictographic Catechism in the Huntington Free Library. 1999.
•Irrigation at High Altitudes: The Social Organization of Water Control Systems in the Andes (Ed.) 1994.
•Peasants on the Edge: Crop, Cult, and Crisis in the Andes. 1991.
•"La agricultura hidráulica en los Andes: Implicaciones evolucionarias.” 1978.
Karsten Paerregaard, PhD
Professor of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Ph.D. in Anthropology (1990), University of Copenhagen; Honorary Doctor (2005), Universidad del Centro, Peru; Danish Doctoral Degree in Anthropology (2009), University of Copenhagen, B.A. (1973), M.A. (1980). Some of his publications include:
•Peruvians Dispersed. A Global Ethnography of Migration. 2008.
•El Quinto Suyo: Transnacionalidad y Formaciones Diaspóricas en la Migración Peruana. 2005.
•Linking Separate Worlds: Urban Migrants and Rural Lives in Peru. 1997.
Juan Ossio, PhD
Anthropologist, historian and university professor. Former Minister of Culture of Peru. Ph.D. in Anthropology (1978), Oxford University, United Kingdom. Licensure in Anthropology (1974), Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Bachelor Litterae (1970) and Diploma in Social Anthropology (1968), Oxford University. Professor at the Social Sciences Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Some of his publications include:
•Códice Murua y Facsimil de Fray Martín de Murúa. 2004.
•El Mesianismo Andino. 2004.
•"Moctezuma en los andes." 2002.
•"Contemporary indigenous religious life in Perú." 2002.
•"La imagen de la unidad social en las fiestas andinas." 2002.
•"Guaman Poma y Murúa ante la tradición oral andina." 2000.
•"Native South America." 2000.
•"Inkarrí y el mesianismo andino." 1998.